About Us

Simply Love Little was established in 2022, first as a hobby and later became a store to share our designs and products with you! Being a dog owner my whole life, I found that my interests and designs revolved around pets. I consider them part of my family and let that dictate my imagination when creating my designs. My dogs always bring a smile to my face, so I hope that my products do just that for you too: bring a smile to your face!

I decided to make this more than just a hobby when my baby girl Zuri was diagnosed with Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). This is often described as a ruptured, slipped, bulging or herniated disk. It is a gradual degenerative process that affects the spinal cord of the dog over a period of time and is usually age-related. Zuri went from being a very energetic, enthusiastic, playful, and crazy pup to not being able to move freely without yelling in excruciating pain. We new something was wrong and took her to the emergency vet. The pain can often be treated through 6-8 weeks of crate rest and medication. However, we weren’t lucky enough for this plan A treatment route to work for Zuri. She was still in a lot of pain after the months of rest went by. Plan B was to have an MRI and surgery. She had a herniated disc in her neck that had shards of it in her spinal cord, causing the sharp pain when she moved. They removed it during surgery and now she has to live a life of no jumping, going up or down steps, and no rough play/tug-o-war. She’s now an IVDD survivor and living her life as best as she can. 

I decided to make my hobby more into a business in order to help us afford her surgery, treatment, and now lifestyle changes and treatments to help prevent this from happening again. I appreciate anyone who purchases any of our problems and sincerely thank you from our family and dogs! ❤️